多謝theztyle及Neutrogena,小女子有幸試用Neutrogena® 高效防曬SPF50
1. 最強防曬
2. 改善膚色
Developed by Neutrogena, Helioplex® represents a breadth of stabilized sunscreen technologies that deliver superior UVA/UVB protection from the sun. UVA protection in many sunscreens begins to breakdown the moment your skin is exposed to the sun. Stabilizing technologies like Helioplex® can help UVA defense stay strong and steady longer.
Powerful Broad Spectrum UVA/UVB Protection:
Neutrogena® sunscreens with Helioplex® harness the full power of various sunscreen ingredients, including Avobenzone, Oxybenzone and Octocrylene, which have long been recognized by the FDA as safe and effective for broad spectrum UVA/UVB protection.
Superior UVA Protection:
Avobenzone is one of the best UVA absorbers approved by the FDA, but it is highly unstable when exposed to sunlight. Using Helioplex®, Neutrogena has effectively stabilized Avobenzone and enabled it to continue exerting its powerful sunblocking effect when exposed to the sun's harmful and aging UVA rays.
Longer Lasting Protection:
Helioplex® helps protect skin by chemically absorbing harmful UV photos and converting the UV energy to make Avobenzone photostable. This allows sunscreens with Helioplex® to deliver high, broad-spectrum and photostable protection after 5 hours of sun exposure (simulated solar radiation).
Sunscreens with Helioplex® help to shield against other sun damage beyond sunburns, including premature aging, such as fine lines, sagging skin, wrinkles and brown spots.
Although sunscreens with Helioplex® provide long lasting UVA/UVB protection, all sunscreens should be reapplied after swimming, excessive perspiration, towel drying or extended sun exposure.
Dermatologists have long recognized that UVB and UVA rays promote the risk of skin cancer. Sunscreens stabilized with Helioplex® effectively screen out both UVA and UVB rays during prolonged sun exposure. Sunscreens should be used in addition to wearing protective clothing and minimizing sun exposure to help minimize UV exposure.
簡單一點說,根據我的理解,Helioplex®混合幾種不同防曬成份,包括Avobenzone, Oxybenzone and Octocrylene,使它們更穩定,發揮它們吸收的能力--這些其實都是化學性防曬的物質,以吸收為主。(有關物理性/化學性防曬的伸延閱讀,請拉到最底看看相關連結--當然最好睇埋呢篇分享先走
Skin Cancer Foundation指出,Helioplex®穩定Avobenzone, 在防禦UVA方面,更能做到peak absorption at 365 nm, protects up to 400 nanometers。不明白嗎?不緊要,其實我也攪不懂 :P簡單一點說,這種科技是FDA認可,而且吸收UVA的能力非常強勁。UVA正是皮膚老化的成因呀。
花了這麼多時間研究Helioplex® ......那麼,這是否令這支防曬液成為「最強防曬」呢?根據Skin Cancer Foundation的建議,預防UVA,最好選擇化學性和物理性兼備的防曬品。個人而言,其實比較偏好物理性防曬。這次試用,美中不足的是只有大約四天的時間,期間香港天色又陰陰沉沉;家中又未有紫外光燈模擬廣告中的效果,故實在沒法評論。
試在臉上,想看看防曬液的修飾效果。塗了幾次又拍了幾次照,都看不到甚麼出來 (是我的照相技術太糗吧
後記:雖說自拍用逆光可帶來天使下凡般的效果,不過...... 這是防曬液喎......
逆光一照,才發現,原來30ml只佔約半個瓶子的空間...... 廠商預留空間,讓我們用家有「搖勻防曬液」的空間嗎?